Jade artifact
Zhejiang province museum |
An emblem on a jade artifact unearthed at the Liangzhu
Jade Height:8.8cm
Jade Width: 17.6cm
Jade Weight: 6.5kg
Jade Circa 3,300 - 2,300
Jade Excavated in Zhejing province
in 1986.
It was found to be both of the largest and earliest jade
artifact until present day. |
The Liangzhu ruins were discovered in 2007.
Archaeologists also found that the residents of Liangzhu had started using
Chinese characters 5,000 years ago, which pushes the use of characters
back another 1,000 years from the previously confirmed 4,000 years of
The ruins remain largely intact and confirm the level of
agricultural accomplishments along the Yangtze River dating back to 5,000
years ago, providing significant evidence of the Chinese civilization for
that time. The ruins can also fill a gap on the World Heritage List of
archaeological sites from the Neolithic Period in Central and East Asia. |
An emblem on a jade artifact unearthed at the
Liangzhu site |
Jade carved in details shown on right
It has been believed that the jade was for articles of
personal adornment.
Sophisticated jade and lapidary production techniques
had already been mastered by the Neolithic era, and the love of jade,
which some anthropologists consider a defining characteristic of Chinese
culture, has endured until the present day.
Earliest jades came in the form of ritual implements
(such as bi discs and cong tubes), articles of personal adornment, small
carvings, and various types of blades. The latter were used as weapons in
Neolithic times because jade is a very hard stone, but likely served more
as badges of office and emblems of rank. |
Another similar item, on left picture,
indicated an emblem on a jade artifact unearthed at the Liangzhu site in
Liabgzhu Museum.
The ruins of the ancient city of Liangzhu, dating back
to 3,300 - 2,300 BC, is located in Hangzhou, east China's Zhejiang
Province. It indicates that there was once a civilization in the lower
parts of the Yangtze River that was based on an economy of growing rice
and had clear social distinctions. |
琮体常等距分为节,每节四角雕刻有或繁或简的由兽和神人组成的神人面像。琮可能是与图腾崇拜有关的某种物体的转化物,是寓宗教、祭祀于一体贯通天地的法器。 |
玉器是良渚文化最突出的物质成就,良渚文化遗址出土的玉器数量之多、种类之丰富大大超出了人们的想象,其中仅反山、瑶山两地就出土玉器2000多组,若以单件计则超过6000件,其中1986年考古学家在反山12号墓出土的“玉琮王”更是令人惊叹。 |
In addition, a hydraulic system was found
around the ruins. The waterway system was comprised of eleven dams and
formed a water storage area of 12.4 square kilometers. According to
International Business Times, the project was one of the ancient world's
largest water engineering projects, and it has been confirmed that the
water system along the Yangtze River Delta dates back 5,100 years, making
it the oldest project in the world.
The hydraulic system can supply water from
the Yangtze River to the city's inhabitants and for agricultural use. The
discovery of the waterway system indicates that an ancient civilization in
the lower part of Yangtze River is indeed a truth. |
考古学家告诉我们,它主要分布在太湖流域和长江三角洲地区,更为明确一些就是在今天太湖水系的东苕溪的上游,在杭州这个C形盆地、大约42平方公里的范围。它的下游是钱塘江,东边是京杭大运河。这是一个在距今5300年到4300年的时段真实存在过的文明。 |
[China Plus Published: 2018-01-26]
[China Daily 2018-01-30]
[christies.com MARCH 7, 2016] |
The archeological site of the Liangzhu
ancient city ruins in east China's Zhejiang Province. [Photo: xuexixiaozu
WeChat account]
With more than 500 sites excavated to date, the
primitive culture has been found to have played an important role in
shaping ancient Chinese civilization.