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没有故事和情节,尤如一杯白开水。 提供有多部公认的世界最顶级的情色电影:

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情色电影是因为这些情色电影对社会、伦理和人性有着深刻的记录和描写 ,对人作为一个社会的人来说,有很强的启蒙 、激荡、反省和指导意义,其中人性的最鲜明的行为不断在责任、命运和情欲的纠葛战争中或成长或堕落或毁灭,亦或恍然大悟。 例如,罗马帝国艳情史(Caligula卡利古拉 意大利/美国1976年)(排名第一),午夜守门人(the Night Porter 德国 1974年)(排名第二),情人(the Lover 法国 1992年)(排名第七),巴黎最后探戈(Last Tango in Paris 意大利 1972年)(排名第九),等等,值得人生中一看。

Marlon Brando, Richard Burton, James Coburn, John Huston, Ringo Starr, & John Astin, Star in this 1968 cult classic. 

This Sexual Farce challenges the mores of the era. Ewa Aulin is 'Candy'.




人可以和传统作对,可以和世俗作对,可以和命运作对,只有一点是不能与之作对的,那就是进化,而性作为进化而来生理机能,同样不能与之作对…… 或许有点说远了,我的意思是,有时当性与其它外来因素相辅相成时,会产生一种有悖于性本身的状态或结果,而这时你又怎么看待性呢?比如《糖果》中的丹和糖果(女主角的名字)这小两口子,两人总是处于极度兴奋之下,因此他们无休止地大玩性游戏,从中获得了极大的快感,糖果还因此创作出一副叫“狂欢的午后”的画……以性为主题在其中扮演的角色,同样让人深思。










《爱人》Aein (2005) (韩国) ,爱人的欲望: 韩国男女的野情艳史,十大情艳欲望片之一。两个人一见钟情,电光火石般爱得死去活来。他们想方设法寻找各种机会在一起。任何间隙都到处留下他们火花飞溅的激情。

女子已经定婚待嫁,偏偏又出艳遇般的一见钟情,真爱难割又得走进预定的殿堂,对社会、伦理和人性有着深刻的记录和描写 ,对人作为一个社会的人来说,有很强的启蒙 、激荡、反省和指导意义。



十大成人电影《查泰莱夫人的情人》(Lady Chatterley's Lover)的姊妹片之一,这个故事中描述查泰莱夫人和她情人间的肉体关系,其中露骨的性爱描写、和在当时属禁忌的猥亵用词引来许多评论家的非议,或许也是因为此书描写的主角是劳动阶级男性与资产阶级女性间的关系。


故事主要描写一个年轻的已婚女性─查泰莱夫人康斯坦丝(Constance),她上层阶级的丈夫克里夫(Clifford Chatterley)在第一次世界大战中负伤瘫痪而导致终身阳痿。性生活无法满足的挫折使她开始邂逅一名猎场看守人奥立佛•梅勒斯(Oliver Mellors)。在故事的最后两人开始同居,并各自向他们原先的配偶提出离婚诉讼,以求两人能合法的生活在一起。

罗马帝国艳情史(Caligula卡利古拉 意大利/美国 1976年)(标准版本)









对社会、伦理和人性有着深刻的记录和描写 ,对人作为一个社会的人来说,有很强的启蒙 、激荡、反省和指导意义。







In Augusta the emperor Caligula has a serious problem: he must demonstrate his manliness "coram populo" on the occasion of the feast of Priapus. But the ...

对社会、伦理和人性有着深刻的记录和描写 ,对人作为一个社会的人来说,有很强的启蒙 、激荡、反省和指导意义。






对社会、伦理和人性有着深刻的记录和描写 ,对人作为一个社会的人来说,有很强的启蒙 、激荡、反省和指导意义。





对社会、伦理和人性有着深刻的记录和描写 ,对人作为一个社会的人来说,有很强的启蒙 、激荡、反省和指导意义。









The Movie start off with an introverted office boy named Kentaro, who became the scapegoat to the company's huge loss in revenue. As a result, he was fired from his job. Adding insult to his wounds, his office crush disgraced him for his pitiful reputation when he tried to find solace in her. Filled with sorrow, Kentaro went to a strip bar and mumbled complains as he loses control of himself in a drunken state. One incident involving him almost hitting a stripper and getting himself kicked out.

As he continued his pitiful state, he picked a fight with a butch and her girlfriend for bumping into him and got beaten up. Terrified, he pushed her to the glass, thus bleeding her and escaping to a nearby building on the 4th floor. Unsatisfied with Kentaro and showing off her machoism, the butch continued to pursuit him despite her girlfriend's protest. There he discovered a mannequin in a sailor suit that looks and feels like a real human from the softness of her skin to the realistic pubic hair. Releasing all his repressed feelings, he began to stage a rape scene with the doll. Unfortunately for him, he was then found by the butch and her girlfriend resulting in another beating. After another beating, the butch and her girlfriend got aroused and decided to go to another room to get intimate. As they proceed to fill their desires, they discovered three thugs, who were running away from the yakuza, hiding and observing them. A fight ensued and the butch was shot twice. Thinking she has died, two of the men decided to rape the butch's girlfriend in the room where Kentaro was at. Sensing danger, Kentaro hid from under the bed to avoid any conflict and observed the whole ordeal. After a while, the butch reemerged only to be shot again. The thugs' leader then warned that he will release the girl without shooting her, only if she managed to get out of their sights within ten seconds. As the girl rushed to find her belongings, the girl discovered Kentaro under the bed and decided to reveal his presence as a way to distract the thugs and escape. This proved useless as she ended up getting shot at. Knowing his presence, they proceeded to drag him out and attempt to kill him. Before they were able to do that, the mannequin that he "raped" came to life, saved him and kill the thugs. Kentaro shocked by the events, fainted and fell asleep as his strength ebbs away.

He next morning Kentaro woke up to find the mannequin, in a new set of clothes beside him. Feeling confused, he looked around for the dead bodies that were killed only to realize he hallucinated or dreamt of it the whole night.

Looking at his "heroine", he thanked her by bringing her back home. After a troublesome day reaching home, he decided to name her Kokone. As days passed, he began to form a relationship with Kokone, complaining about his sorrows and talking about his everyday life. Due to his solitude and disappointment, he started experiencing weird things about her. One minute she began to talk and move her like a real human, another minute, she remained stationary like a doll. This confusion led him to madness as he then began to have a raping fantasy with the doll.

Unable to find a job due to his bad reputation, he desperately loaned money from loan sharks and gambled. As he began to lose a lot of money, he attempted to commit suicide only for Kokone to save him. This instilled him a desire to come back victorious, which he does when he won a mahjong game with the impossible nine gates. Overjoyed he rushed back to share the good news of his winnings only to discover that Kokone has disappeared. He got very disappointed. This however, was short-lived when he heard Kokone's voice singing on the rooftop. Curious, he went up and found her in a wedding dress playing a piano. This became a blatant fantasy as he then married her and the previous dead characters (the three thugs, butch and her girlfriend) came back to life and embraced his happiness. All of this being done on top of the rooftop. Just as they take a picture for his wedding, the flash brought him back to reality whereby, on his journey back home after his winnings, he remembered jay-walking the street only to stop when he saw a woman who looked exactly like Kokone.

Although he was shocked and frozen, he realized an oncoming truck was going to hit them and he rushed to protect the woman from the impact. This resulted in a blank and showed Kentaro in his subconscious mind still struggling to find Kokone. When he arrived at his apartment, in Kokone's place revealed a messed up mannequin with no hair and tears in her eyes, revealing the whole experience as a fantasy of Kentaro.



Laura: Shadows of a Summer or (French: Laura, les ombres de l'□□ is a 1979 French romantic and erotic drama film directed by photographer David Hamilton. Hamilton himself made a cameo appearance in the film. It stars a then sixteen-year-old Dawn Dunlap at the time of release, as the title character.

James Mitchell plays Paul Wyler, a successful sculptor best known for sculpting nude young girls. When he encounters an old flame, Sarah (Maud Adams), he is so smitten by her beautiful daughter Laura that he asks Sarah if she will pose for him. Sarah, married but still jealous of the fact that her former lover is more attracted to her daughter, tells Paul that Laura is not interested, even though she is actually quite enthusiastic about doing it. As an alternative to live posing, Sarah takes photos of Laura posing nude and gives them to Paul so that he can sculpt Laura. After a fire at an art exhibit, Paul goes blind and cannot complete the sculpture. In the end, Laura, when going to say goodbye to Paul, allows him to finish his work by feeling her body and sculpting by feeling. This leads to a sexual encounter between the two, and the next morning Laura's mother comes to take her away.



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