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加拿大找工作网站网址    加拿大中文求职网;加拿大招聘布告栏;加拿大找工作的网站.




canjobs.com  --加拿大工作
加拿大就业中心 --邮政或查看履历和职业机会免费。
canadajobsearch.com  --为求职者提供就业职位,以及链接到资源和搜寻网站。
canadianjobs.com  --为求职者和雇主寻找寻找或邮局工作,在加拿大
canjobs.com  --数据库的招聘人员和现有的就业加拿大各地。递交简历免费
生涯书签  (一个互动的职业生涯和求职指南由多伦多公共图书馆。)
职业点击  (收集目前职业生涯的相关文章。)
careerexchange  --技术职业网站提供就业和简历信息服务工作的候选人,雇主及招聘公司。
择业文化  (提供职业和培训信息。)
职业互联网工作  (职业资源局提供技术和专业人士,在加拿大寻求激动人心的就业机会。)生涯边缘  (全国青年实习计划。法语和英语。)生涯花叶加拿大
电子劳工交流 --招募工具,以配合工作,向人民和人民的重托,工作速度要加快。
联邦政府就业机会  --现在在加拿大联邦政府的工作和实习机会,功能应用和信息上的测试和考试。
getajobyoufreak.com   --加拿大工作,搜索资源。
globecareers.com  --加拿大的国家职业网站
headhunter.net  --(加拿大)求职的行业,公司,类型,位置,以及更多。
hotjobs.ca  --网上求职服务。
ijive.com  --为求职者提供就业职位,以及链接到职业介绍所和加拿大职业资源。
城际目录 --joblink
求职巴士加拿大 (搜索引擎和目录的就业和职业资源。也可以提供物品,通讯,以及更多。)
职位搜索引擎 (美国,英国和加拿大。)
求职期货 (图表前景数以百计的就业机会。)
jobpostings.net  --特色项目列表,为大学和学院的学生。
工作加拿大 (提供一个就业登记数据库,以及新闻和一些小窍门。)
jobscanadianrockies.com  (优惠上市的就业机会,在阿尔伯塔省和卑诗省。)
职位,让市民关心  (就业机会,在医疗保健,教育,政府和非利润领域。)
jobshark --加拿大的上线生涯和招募中心
monster.ca  (在加拿大获得工作)(英语和法语)
非营利事业追求  (就业资源,为非营利性机构,包括就业机会,恢复上岗,志愿者上岗,讲习班,以及更多。)
positionwatch :--加拿大就业
sympatico工作场所 (加拿大求职和职业指导。)
T-Net不列颠哥伦比亚省 (卑诗省提供的新闻发布,工作一览,投资机会,供应商名录,股市行情。)
工作网多伦多 --就业机会
workopolis.com  --求职,以及更多。
工地加拿大  (提供realated联系和信息。)


找工作的常用分类网站  (和上面的网址可能有重复)


Robert Half Finance and Accounting 是世界上第一家也是目前最大的会计财务人才中介服务公司

是一个总部设在多伦多的网站,但其收录的上万个医疗保健类工作却覆盖了整个北美。此外,该网站也收录了与医疗保健相关的IT, 教育等领域的招工信息。

是加拿大最大的一个提供与教育有关的工作信息的网站,每年及时收录与教育相关的上万个工作信息,您可直接登录:jobsearch.educationcanada.com 查询。


Investment Founds Institute of Canada 的Job Board提供了全加拿大甚至全球的与投资基金有关的工作信息


Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada 的versity Affairs 提供了全加拿大与大学有关的工作信息


Charity Village 含有许多有关加拿大非盈利机构的工作信息:


Job Bank www.jobbank.gc.ca
Human Resource Center www.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca
政府职位 www.jobs.gc.ca
The Work Place www.workplace.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca/wanted.htm
Workpolis www.jobs.workopolis.com
All Canadian Jobs www.allcanadianjobs.com
Work Search www.worksearch.gc.ca
Career Click www.carrerclick.com
Canada Workinfonet www.workinfonet.ca/cwn/english/main.html
Career Exchange www.careerexchange.com
Canadian Careers www.canadiancareers.com
Career Magazine www.careermag.com
在加拿大找工作 Job Hunting in Canada

在加拿大,人们称找工作为“Job Hunting”,猎捕工作机会。加拿大人还有一句俗话,形容求职过程的重要性: To find a job,is a full time job。 (找工作本身是一个全时工作)。加拿大政府在各地有专门为新移民准备的免费的job search training program,专门指导新来者如何找工作。


加拿大工作经验 Canadian Working Experience

加拿大雇主普遍要求应聘者有加拿大工作经验。缺少加拿大工作经验,是新来者找工作的最大障碍。克服这一困难最常用的方式是做各种形式的义工。义工就是不拿报酬的义务工作,在加拿大是很常见的。做义工不仅能帮你获得加拿大工作经验, 还有助于你认识多些人,使你有多点机会练习英语, 建立珍贵的人际关系,并且更加熟悉一个新城市的生活。


简历和求职信很重要 Resume and Cover Letter


加拿大简历不要求提供有关个人的隐私信息,比如种族、出身、性别、年龄、婚姻状况、社会保险号等等, 但你的整体能力、你的性格、你的风格都应该反映在你的简历中。一定要在简历的首页醒目位置标明你有加拿大工作经验,这非常重要。而所谓的经验,范围相当广泛,不一定非要在你应聘领域内工作过才算。

加拿大就业中心Canada Employment Centre有样本参考。多数图书馆都备有掼手册。有些机构亦有提供志愿服务。可要求你的社区中心介绍这些机构给你。


但仍有很多人寄送了许多简历却很少得到答复,为什么呢?其实很多人在发送求职简历的时候忽视了写Cover letter;Cover letter是放在简历前面的说明发送简历目的的说明信。是北美求职最主要的手段之一,是绝对不可缺少的首要求职文件。它给雇主一个快速的参考,尤其是你的简历如果很通用,没有专门为申请的公司裁剪的时候,Cover letter可以起很大的作用。

Cover letter主要覆盖以下三个问题:
“Who are you and where are you?”
“Where did you hear about us?”
“What can you do for me?”
“What can you provide relevant to the job?”

  简历按道理不应该是通用的,但许多时候人们不愿意花更多的时间去准备简历,有时候版本太多搞得人无从适应。所以其实很多人总是用一份简历来应付众多公司。但是,无论如何,Cover letter是不应该写成通用的,一定要瞄准申请的公司来写。一般你可以通过Internet或其它途径(报纸、杂志)查到公司的有关背景。你可以略为写一点,使雇主知道你不是随意发出简历的。信上也可以写上你最方便的电话号码和拨打时间。一定要再三检查雇主的姓名和地址。 Cover letter中不能有任何拼写错误和语法错误。


找工作常见方式 The Usual ways of Job Hunting
  1. 朋友之间的互相推荐和介绍 - 这是最有效的办法,公司招聘新员工当然是公司内部人先知道,如果有内部朋友自然会很有利。而且在加拿大公司在有职务空缺时,往往也希望由公司员工推荐。如果你得到了这个招聘信息,又有朋友的推荐,那么成功率就要高得多了,因为竞争的人很少,又有一层推荐,会让雇主减少一些不了解的顾虑。因此新移民一定要想办法去多结交朋友,这样就可以比别人获得更新的信息、有更多渠道和机会。
  2. 自我推销 - 在加拿大有种说法叫COLD CALL,Cold Call就是直接打电话到一些公司里进行自我推销,问他们是否需要员工。当然也可以找上门去。这种方法有一定难度但会有一定收获。要进行自我推销首先要准备一份高水准的简历,然后再到图书馆或就业中心查找相关专业的书刊及专门介绍这类信息的书,查出所有可能有机会的公司的地址、电话等信息,进行筛选然后联系。用这种办法刚开始的时候会很困难成功率并不高,但确是个很好的锻炼。
  3. 职业介绍所 - 职业介绍所分两种,一种是官方的另一种是私人的。私人介绍所一般都有它擅长的领域。他们一般会收雇主的介绍费,也有个别的是向求职者收费的。它们的优点是他先替你量体裁衣,找到较适合的雇主,而且往往竞争的人少,只是几个人竞争。通常情况下,正规的职业介绍所在给你介绍工作以前会先给你Interview一下,以确定你的语言能力,以及核实你个人简历的内容。如果你没有通过他们的Interview,他们就不会给你介绍工作。私人职业介绍所还会为你做适当的包装,以提高成功率,所以这是一个不坏的方法,但职业介绍所的就业机会不会很多。通常多是电脑界人士靠他们帮助找到工作。官方职业介绍所由加拿大政府主办,免费服务,除了有许多招工广告外还有专人辅导你如何写简历,帮你分析你的就业选择,提供面试咨询等。同时还设有全国联网的"求职银行",从而有全国各地的招工信息。通过这种办法虽然直接找到工作的不多,但可以获取很多信息。收费:政府提供费用,如华资处的就业辅导中心;公司付介绍费用给职业介绍所;公司付所有的费用给职业介绍所,包括雇员的工资,雇员从职业介绍所领工资;申请人付介绍费用给职业介绍所。这又分为两种,年薪工作按照你第一年收入的百分比收,时薪的工作按照你每小时收入的比例收。如果是后两种的职业介绍所,都会要求你和他签一份合同,写明各种条件、付费的金额和方式等。
  4. 通过报纸或因特网查找 - 这是最常用也是最简单的方法。因为报纸的发行量很大,通常一个职位会有成百上千的人来竞争,如果你的英语不如人家有没有北美的工作经验,就很难竞争得过。而且大部分就业机会并不在报刊上作广告。当然如果在没有其他途径的情况下,也可以试着从报刊上找工作了。在多伦多,每周二、四、六的《TORONTO STAR》上有大量的招聘信息。其他的报纸如《THE GLOBE AND MAIL》也有大量的信息,在一些专业性报刊杂志上,也有相应的招聘信息,如果是打杂工,则可以到华文报纸《明报》、《世界日报》、《星岛日报》上查找分类广告。在加拿大,有许多专商提供就业信息的网站,因为广告费用比报纸低廉,所以很多公司乐于在网上招聘,在网上找工作和在报纸上找工作这种方法在加拿大几乎是一样的普及,所以一个职位也会吸引众多的应聘者。
  5. 其他一些方法可能对您有益 -   1) 可前往就近的加拿大就业中心CEC(Canadian Employment Center or Manpower Office)作下列查询: 英语辅助课程(由加拿大就业中心CEC举办,多数地区均有);列出各项职业的空缺布告板; 撰写履历和寻找工作的工作坊;本地劳工市场资料。 2) 留意社区中心, 超级市场和其他公众场所的布告板,你的市政大会堂亦可能会贴出市政府空缺的告示。 3) 告诉你公共图书馆的图书管理员你正在寻找工作,以便他指点你去查阅有关你的职业资料。图书馆的地址可在电话簿蓝页市政府找到。 4) 有些移民辅助机构举办免费的求职会和其他计划以协助移民找工作。查询省政府各办事处是否有空缺。 5) 参加华人社团举办的[求职会],如中侨机构经常有类似的活动。 6) 对那些专业及条件不好的人士,最好的办法就是选择回学校接受"再教育",选修一些好找工作又见效快的课程。


怎样写英文简历 Resume Writing and Preparation

Proper Resume Writing is as important as the content of your Resume- A concise, well written and presented resume will only serve to your advantage. On the other hand, a bad resume can portray an inadequate picture of your educational background, work experience, and qualifications.The most important advice that can be given is to stand out from the crowd.

Resume Content

What You Should Include:
  1. Your basic information - First and last name. Do not use initials. Full address including postal code. Telephone number. Do not forget the area code. Email
  2. Career objective - In a few words summarize your skills, professional goals and a job you are looking for.
  3. Skills that are work related. Include any foreign languages in which you are fluent. Especially include any computer skills, particularly involving popular business programs (i.e. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Windows, etc.), computer languages and software, research, laboratory, teaching or tutoring, communication and leadership skills.
  4. Write down all the positions you have held so far in your career. For each job, note the exact title, the precise period during which you held the position and the full name of the organization you worked for, as well as its location. It should concisely explain what you did, why you did it, how you did it and what the results were.
  5. Education history should follow work experience or employment history. However, place it before if you have just recently completed your school education.
  6. What credits, degrees or honors can you claim? What non-degree or non-credit training have you had? Be sure to clearly indicate the institutions and dates you attended or received your degrees. What other important things have you trained yourself to do?

What You Should Not Include:
  1. Do not use a cover page (please note, "cover page", not cover letter!)
  2. Do not put your picture on your resume
  3. Do not use odd-sized or odd-colored paper or colored inks.
  4. Do not put a border around the text or heavy lines between sections.
  5. Do not make corrections by hand. Spelling, grammatical and typographical errors reveal carelessness. Make changes on disk and print a clean copy.
  6. Do not include salary. Too low and you may not even be considered. Even worse, you may be hired for less than your worth- a trend that is difficult to reverse once started. If your range is too high, you might also be eliminated from the running. Salary is best discussed at the appropriate moment during an interview.
  7. Do not include Race, Religion, Sex, Date of Birth, Marital Status, Children, etc. This information is not relevant on your resume.
  8. References. Make available upon request.

Resume Tips
  • Accentuate your Achievements - Remember to accentuate your job related achievements and describe your experience in terms of the job for which you are being considered.
  • Simplicity will work in your Favour - Do not overdo each point. Be concise and simple in the description of each item. Do not use too many flowery adjectives and words. Be aware your potential employer, although is interested in your resume, will only peruse or skim it for the important items. Make sure those items are perfectly clear and shine above the rest so that they will be the first thing that catches an employer's attention when reading it.
  • Your Objective - An objective tells an employer what position you are seeking. Instead of having a statement about your life goals, an objective refers just to the very next immediate step you hope will be on your career path. Second it lets the employer know that you are conscious of the obtainable positions within that business or organization. If you do not clearly know what position it is you are looking for it is probably a better idea not to have an objective since it will be vague. Have the objective convey useful information about you, and have it demonstrate that you know what they are looking for.
  • Mention your Teamwork Skills - Most recruiters look for evidence of being able to work with others- Teamwork is crucial. Many examples on your resume can attest to that. Examples could be 2 years on intramural volleyball team; played electric guitar for 4 years in a 5-member Rock band. Or more preferably have examples that pertain to your past work experience- working on a group project, putting together a joint proposal, worked on a committee etc...
  • Show Leadership Qualities - Show evidence of leadership abilities. Although it is important to show cooperation and group skills, it is as important to show you taking control in situations. This will convey to the prospective employer that you have the skills to lead and take charge. Example of this could be spearheading a project at work or in school. It could also be being on the executive of an organization whether it is a school one or a sports league (captain); all these show that you have leadership skills
  • List your Activities - Activities/Interest section of the resume is optional. Here's why you might want to incorporate it when writing your resume: in this section you will be able to showcase skills and attributes that were not possible to convey in the other sections of your resume. These skills may show that you are a well-rounded multidimensional person.

Appearance of your Resume

Although you might tend to think that it is content that is of utmost importance to the recruiter, Appearance and Presentation of your resume is crucial. You would not walk into an interview with torn up jeans and unkempt hair. You know that that would create a negative first impression even if you are perfect for the job. Same goes for your resume. They do not want to see something rickety and nasty.

The appearance of your resume will definitely reflect upon you in a positive or negative way. Since the recruiters only glance at your resume, spending a few minutes (oftentimes less), it is really important that you display your skills and assets on the page in a way that is both concise and visually pleasing. Don't forget, the employer receives a multitude of resumes and they will turn candidates down based on its appearance - those resumes that have typos, cheap printing and an unprofessional look. Check out some of these tips that will be of help in properly presenting your resume.

  • Keep it Short - Although one might think the longer the resume is the more it shows one's accomplishments and prowess- the more concise it is the better. A two page resume really is the maximum number of pages you should have. If you can have all the information (accomplishments, jobs, awards) on 1 page, this is ideal.
  • Key Achievements - What works today is a conservative style and a focus on key achievements - especially those that are of particular interest to the potential employer. Make your key achievemtns stand out. Pay attention to how you lay your points out in order of importance
  • Printing - Laser print it on plain, white paper- Handwriting, typing, dot matrix, and even ink jet printing does not come across well. Stick with laser prints. You are probably thinking that that is extremely expensive. You will probably have to shell out a few extra bucks. It is worth it. Copy centres have printers you can use and so do University and College computer labs. Keep the resume on plain white paper. Although having it printed on glossy or bonded paper seems like a professional thing to do, it is an exercise in futility because more often that not, your resume will be faxed and photocopied.
  • Spacing - Play around with the spacing. Look at several different versions and try and see which rendition has the most pleasing space usage. When your resume is typed, leave lots of white space in margins and between blocks of typed text. Having it look too dense and too full on the page is often a hindrance. Again the employer wants to look at something where he/she can get the global picture of you quickly without having to read superfluous information. Simplicity is Best- something too complex detracts from the important stuff. Keep it clean and sharp.
  • Print Enough to Go Around - Make clean, legible copies. Make enough so that you always have some handy when you go to interview.


怎样写求职信 Cover Letter Writing Tips

  1. Always send a cover letter - The first rule of cover letter etiquette is to send a cover letter -- always. It doesn't matter if the hiring manager didn't ask for it or you're too busy to write one. It's proper business etiquette to accompany a resume with a cover letter, and it gives you the opportunity to help sell yourself for the position.
  2. Be Concise
  3. Keep It Professional But Friendly - Keep the salutation professional by using "Dear Mr. Jones," not "Dear Jim."
  4. Get Personal - Whenever possible, address your letter to a specific person. If a job posting doesn't include a person's name, do some research to find out who the correct person is. Try calling the employer (but do respect ads that state "no phone calls"), and ask a receptionist for the hiring manager's name.
  5. Focus on the Employer's Needs
  6. Do not repeat what's in your resume - A cover letter should complement, not duplicate your resume. Its purpose is to interpret the data-oriented, factual resume and add a personal touch. A cover letter is often your earliest written contact with a potential employer, creating a critical first impression.
  7. Try to avoid specify salary requirements - The best strategy is to acknowledge the request for salary requirements in your cover letter without going into specific detail. Providing hard numbers now weakens your negotiating power later. And if your requirements fall outside the position's parameters, you may not even be considered for the job. It's best to indicate in your cover letter that you would be happy to discuss salary requirements once a mutual interest has been established. Or if you really feel pressured, provide a broad range: "My salary requirements are in the $60,000 to $80,000 range, depending upon the specific scope of responsibilities."
  8. Proofread - Cover letters should be free of errors, so thoroughly proofread them before sending. If proofreading is not your strong suit, get help from someone with meticulous proofreading skills. And one last tip: whatever you do, please spell the hiring manager's name correctly.
Cover Letter Format Guidelines

Your Street Address
City, State Zip Code
Telephone Number
Email Address

Month, Day, Year

Mr./Ms./Dr. FirstName LastName
Name of Organization
Street or P. O. Box Address
City, State Zip Code

Dear Mr./Ms./Dr. LastName:

Opening paragraph: State why you are writing; how you learned of the organization or position, and basic information about yourself.

2nd paragraph: Tell why you are interested in the employer or type of work the employer does (Simply stating that you are interested does not tell why, and can sound like a form letter). Demonstrate that you know enough about the employer or position to relate your background to the employer or position. Mention specific qualifications which make you a good fit for the employer¡¯s needs. This is an opportunity to explain in more detail relevant items in your resume. Refer to the fact that your resume is enclosed. Mention other enclosures if such are required to apply for a position.

3rd paragraph: Indicate that you would like the opportunity to interview for a position or to talk with the employer to learn more about their opportunities or hiring plans. State what you will do to follow up, such as telephone the employer within two weeks. If you will be in the employer¡¯s location and could offer to schedule a visit, indicate when. State that you would be glad to provide the employer with any additional information needed. Thank the employer for her/his consideration.


(Your handwritten signature)

Your name typed

Enclosure(s) (refers to resume, etc.)

(Note: the contents of your letter might best be arranged into four paragraphs. Consider what you need to say and use good writing style. See the following examples for variations in organization and layout.)

Sample Cover Letter #1

January 1, 2007

Mr. John Smith
Employment Manager
Number One Pharmaceutical Corporation
1376477 Jefferson Parkway
Roanoke, VA 24019

Dear Mr. Smith:

From your company's web site I learned about your need for a sales representative for the Virginia, Maryland, and North Carolina areas. I am very interested in this position with Acme Pharmaceuticals, and believe that my education and employment background are appropriate for the position.

While working toward my master¡¯s degree, I was employed as a sales representative with a small dairy foods firm. I increased my sales volume and profit margin appreciably while at Farmer¡¯s Foods, and I would like to repeat that success in the pharmaceutical industry. I have a strong academic background in biology and marketing, and think that I could apply my combination of knowledge and experience to the health industry. I will complete my master's degree in marketing in mid-May and will be available to begin employment in early June.

Enclosed is a copy of my resume, which more fully details my qualifications for the position.

I look forward to talking with you regarding sales opportunities with Acme Pharmaceuticals. Within the next week I will contact you to confirm that you received my email and resume and to answer any questions you may have.

Thank you for your consideration.


Lynn A. Gates
554211 Hunt Lane, #1
Blacksburg, VA 24060
(540) 555-5555

Sample Cover Letter #2

1000 Terrace View Apts.
Blacksburg, VA 24060
(540) 555-4523

Feburary 2, 2007

Mr. John Bush
Personnel Director
Anderson Construction Company
3507111 Rockville Pike
Rockville, MD 20895

Dear Mr. Wilson:

I read in the March 24th Washington Post classified section of your need for a Civil Engineer or Building Construction graduate for one of your Washington, DC, area sites. I will be returning to the Washington area after graduation in May and believe that I have the necessary credentials for the project.

I have worked at various levels in the construction industry every summer since the 8th grade. As you can see from my resume, I worked several summers as a general laborer, gradually moved up to a carpenter, and last summer I worked as assistant construction manager on a 100 million dollar job.

In addition to this practical experience, I will complete requirements for my Building Construction degree in May. As you may know, Virginia Tech in one of the few universities in the country that offers such a specialized degree for the construction industry. I am confident that my Building Construction degree, along with my years of construction industry experience, make me an excellent candidate for your job.

The Anderson Construction Company projects are familiar to me, and my aspiration is to work for a company that has your excellent reputation. I would welcome the opportunity to interview with you. I will be in the Washington area during the week of April 12th and would be available to speak with you at that time. In the next week to ten days I will contact you to answer any questions you may have.

Thank you for your consideration.

(handwritten signature)
Steve Weiss















